Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Misleading Title

Don't expect a lot. Titling yourself as "funny" is usually done by someone who is not actually funny or it means no one will laugh when you'd like them to. There's a reason behind the title and conceit nor confidence comprise that reason.

I went with "The Funny One" as my blog title because I couldn't think of anything clever and that's how I, as a bridesmaid, was introduced at my friends' wedding. I don't remember how any of of the other bridesmaids or groomsmen were introduced, I just remember standing in the doorway to be introduced, hearing my name, then hearing the DJ say that I was "the funny one of the group," (which is misleading because I hang out with a lot of people funnier than I, but maybe I was the funny girl at the time? I digress), and then laughing too hard to hear the rest of what he said, and thinking to myself "Crap, there's going to be a lot of pictures of me with my Stupid Laugh Face on." Indeed there were many pictures with me wearing my Stupid Laugh Face and I never did get to hear whether the DJ was joking nor how my groomsman escort was described and introduced because I was laughing too loud because I laugh too loud and it's embarrassing, especially in public. So there I am, laughing too loudly, my Stupid Laugh Face getting photographed so it will forever live on, not knowing if the bride and groom did actually think I was "the funny one of the group" or if they were making fun of me for thinking I was funny when I actually am not. For almost 7 years I've enjoyed thinking that they do actually think I was funny at the time and I'm not going back now.

So anyway, welcome to this. It has no real purpose, no real theme. Sometimes I just want to write but I'm not a good enough writer, or a coherent enough thinker, to actually write and publish a book. I can, however, write snippets. You're welcome.

Oh, the address? I could say it has real meaning but I'd be lying. thefunnyone.blogspot was taken. So was funnyone.blogspot. I didn't want numbers in the address, so I thought of a completely different "one" (I'm allowed to say it's completely different because when you're playing "Rhyme" in Pile of Death or Kings, they're allowed to be two separate answers). I support my decision of settling with the alternate spelling with the idea that the funny did win. Because funny always wins.

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